I have a good friend with three children and they find it really difficult to get a reasonably priced hotel room that sleeps all five of them. They have solved their problems by recently buying a large 5 berth family caravan instead from Bailey of Bristol.
Our kids love caravan holidays. You can really slow down the pace of life and relax in a caravan. We take a pack of cards and play games like Pontoon, Gin Rummy and Seven Card Whist (Google for more great card game ideas as it’s so easy to forget them – we were always playing cards as kids!). We also like to take board games as the kids love to play with us and it’s hard finding the time in our busy lives to sit down and play and that is such a shame! Our family favourites are The Game of Life and Monopoly. We also play Scrabble where ‘rude’ words like ‘bum’ and ‘trump’ are actively encouraged for comedy purposes (my kids love a bit of toilet humour!!).
If you are caravan first timers you don’t need to feel too anxious – there is so much help and support available and you can also compare caravan insurance quotes online to make the process as simple as possible.
Our favourite time is in the evening where we sit outside the caravan around the fire pit or barbecue, snuggled under blankets while hubby cooks. We then play the A to Z game. If you are not familiar with this game, we each take it in turns choosing a topic like ‘animals’ or ‘countries’ then the first person begins by naming something within the topic beginning with A and then the next goes to B and so on. It’s great for learning and building vocabulary too but mainly is a lovely fun family game.
We also love the freedom the kids have when we are caravanning. They can run around and play with new friends to their heart’s content. It’s good exercise and good for the soul. They love it and so do we.