Home education
Having moved 300 miles down the country and not having been successful in achieving places in any of the desirable schools in our new area, I found myself contemplating the idea of home educating. I could, of course, have accepted that my children would have to attend the schools with poorer Ofsted reports or less desirable reputations. However, that is really not an option for me. On deeper investigation I was thrilled and enthused to find a wonderful and vast home ed community, only to pleased to welcome us into their world. And what a world!
The home education community
There is so much on offer for home educating families. I was so surprised to find just how many home educating families there are in the UK. A couple of friends of mine scoffed when I mentioned our plans, and drew upon their rather ignorant and terribly stereotypical opinions of home ed.
Home education misconceptions
The first and most common misconception is –
“Oh, but how will they socialise, they will be lonely/outcast/ become recluses ”
and the second most common misconception is –
” Are the groups full of hippies/ weirdos/ aliens ”
There is an extraordinary amount of group activities on offer to home ed families. To a point where I have to manage my diary with faultless efficiently as double or even triple booking is a real risk! We have been involved with multi activity hall meets, home ed gymnastics/ horse riding / football/ skiing/ museum trips/ art lessons/ forest school/ science lessons/ French classes … the list goes on. In the local area the children see familiar faces at many of the activities, and of course Facebook is a superb tool in integrating yourselves into the local home ed community.
To put the second misconception firmly to bed, since home edding we have had the pleasure to meet people from all walks of life. Perhaps surprisingly I have met nine ex – teachers, who have become so disillusioned by the education system that they have chosen to home educate their own children.
Home education activities
Both my children receive tutoring from qualified teachers, which I find a great support in my own time table. There are also an extraordinary amount of online resources available to support your home ed journey.
Why home educate?
Home education suits my family so well on so many levels. I feel utterly privileged to be able to spend so much wonderful time with my children and to be such an important part of their learning. We plan to travel next year and see as much of what the world has to offer, as possible. I believe entirely that this is a truly splendid way for the children to learn – to travel, explore, to be exposed to different cultures and experience it all for themselves, with the parents to guide them and keep them safe.
It is my belief that we are bought up to believe that we must follow a certain route – school, exams, college/Uni, work ….We are made to feel we must not waver from this path. If we do we are unusual or crazy. We were on that very path until a short time ago. When though no fault of our own, we lost everything we had worked our adult lives for. That really put things into prospective. Its showed us what is really, actually, important. It really isn’t the materialistic things. Its making memories and enjoying life with those you love. Protecting them, creating opportunities for them, loving them. Ensuring they become good, kind people who care for their surroundings.
We set off on our world schooling trip next year and we would love you to join us. Subscribe to keep up to date with all our adventures!
Free Printable worksheets
Find below some free, printable worksheets that I hope you will find fun, enjoyable and educational for your little ones.
Please feel free to share them with your friends.