If you want some fun for the whole family, then look no further than a camping trip. Firstly check out online packing lists for families and its also important to consider the most important items for camping. Of course, as a parent, you know that such an adventure isn’t going to be possible without some serious planning. So, to make sure that your camping trip goes off without a hitch, here are the top tips to follow:
1. Get the Right Tent for family camping
As you are aware, a tent can often make or break your camping adventure. This is why it is important to look for the right gear, well before you set off on your trip. You will then have plenty of time to find the perfect option for you and your family.
Now, there are a few things you have to keep in mind when buying a good tent for family camping. First, there must be plenty of space for your whole family. If you are traveling with younger children, they will need to stay in your tent as well. So, make sure that everyone can fit in comfortably. It is just as important to pick a good quality family camping tent that can withstand the elements.
If you love camping but can’t be bothered with hauling your tent and all of the equipment out of the garage every time you go away, why not consider glamping instead? We’ve opted for glamping accommodation at festivals before as it’s so much easier than taking everything and the glamping areas have more space and privacy around them. If you’re all about luxury at festivals, check out these 11 tips on how to do festivals the glamping way from Yurtel.
2. Have a Trial Run in Your Own Backyard
If your kids have never gone camping before, then you can’t just throw them into the deep end right away. You need to get your kids ready for the experience, so they know what to expect. Otherwise, they probably won’t end up enjoying themselves too much.
To prepare them, have an overnight camping trip in your backyard. Make sure to set up the tent, start a campfire, and even eat outdoors. It is also a good idea to limit the number of home amenities your kids can rely on. Doing this is also a great way to teach your kids simple outdoor and camping skills.
3. Research and Book a Campground Ahead of Time
When camping with kids, there is a limit to how much you can “rough it”. This is especially true with younger children. Thus, you have to think about safety and other amenities when selecting a campsite. It is because of this that private campgrounds may be more suitable for you.
Of course, it is important that you do some research ahead of time to decide which is most suitable for you and your family. You should check that the campsite allows tents as well, and not just RVs. Last but not least, book your spot so that you can secure your sleeping area for the night.
4. Borrow a Pickup Truck
If you already have a pickup truck, then you are good to go. Otherwise, you may want to make plans to borrow one. There are quite a few advantages to using a pickup truck over a regular car. For one thing, these vehicles have been specifically designed to withstand some serious use and abuse. For another, they are capable of carrying everything you need for your camping trip.
5. Only Pack the Essentials
When you have children, it can be tempting to overpack. After all, kids can go through a surprising number of clothes and supplies. However, if your kids are on the older side, they may not need quite as much as you may think. So, when it comes to shorter trips, pack only the essentials. After all, the whole point of this trip is to do without your typical amenities.
6. Plan Your Activities
Kids can get bored pretty quickly. To prevent this, make sure to plan activities for the entire camping trip. This includes hikes, swimming, learning certain skills, and more. Try to fit as much into a day as you possibly can. Doing so will have the added bonus of keeping them away from their screens as well.
In addition to outdoor activities, pack some board games as well. This will give the kids something to do when the sun goes down. Furthermore, it will also come in handy if the weather turns on you and you need to hide out in your tent for a while.
7. Figure Out the Menu at Home
The one thing that you can’t afford to do off-the-cuff is food. You can’t run the risk of running out of food or keeping your kids waiting for a meal. To avoid such a scenario, make sure to plan your menu at home. Keep it simple with non-perishable food items that don’t need special storage.
At the same time, look for foods that can be cooked over a low flame. You will then be able to whip up a meal in a matter of minutes. Of course, don’t forget to try some truly classic camping nosh such s’mores, hot chocolate, and more. Just to be on the safe side, you may also want to pack some snacks that you can dole out quickly when in a pinch.
8. Get the Kids Involved
It is important to get the kids involved every step of the way. Naturally, they will not be able to handle all the tasks by themselves. Nevertheless, let them help out whenever possible. Keep in mind, this trip isn’t just about fun. It is also about ensuring that your child learns skills that will last him or her a lifetime. So, from setting up the tent to prepping the food, make sure that they have a small role at the very least.
These are the most important guidelines to keep in mind if you are planning a family trip. As long as you stick with these tips, your experience is sure to be a whole lot easier for everyone involved. In turn, your family members will have a great deal more fun as well.